Resource on Singapore

About Singapore

Why do business in Singapore?


A dynamic city rich in contrast and color, you'll find a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and architecture here. Brimming with unbridled energy, this little dynamo in Southeast Asia embodies the finest of both East and West. 699.0 sq km. Comprising one main island and a number of islets scattered off its north-east and south.


Singapore is an equatorial country with relatively uniform temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall.
Average daily temperature 25.1 - 31 degree Celsius
Annual rain fall 2,136 mm with increased rainfall from Nov to Jan


Singapore's people are largely descendants of immigrants from the Malay Peninsula, China and the Indian sub-continent.

Total Population 2006: 4.6 million
Resident Population (2006): 3,608,500
Resident Population growth: 1.8%
Population Density (2005): 6,208 per sq km

Population by race: poland
Chinese (76%)
Malays (13.7%)
Indians (8.4%)
Others (1.8%)

Population by age
Below 15 (20.1%)
15-64 (71.9%)
65 and over (8%)


English (language of administration)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Malay (National language)


General Literacy rate (2005) (15 years and over): 95%

Literacy in 2 or more languages: 56%


Major trading partners: France, Germany, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, China, Saudi Arabia, United States of America and Australia.

Employment (2005)
Labor force: 2,367,300
Employed persons: 2,266,700
Unemployment rate: 3.4%



Transport and Communications

Port statistics 2005:
Total no. of vessels calling at the Singapore port: 130,318

Airport statistics (up to 2007):
Total no. of airline served: 84 (scheduled)
Connecting Singapore to more than 180 cities in 57 countries
No. of flights per week: 4,199

Total no. of vehicles in Singapore (2005):
754,992 (of which 440,583 are cars and rental cars)

Forms of public transport:
MRT service: 68 stations
LRT service: 43 stations
Bus service: 2 companies operating 265 routes with a fleet of 3,429 buses
Taxi service:6 groups of operators running a fleet of 20,407 taxis

Forms of communications (April 2008):
Total no. of mobile subscriptions: 5,993,800 (130.6%)
Total no. of pager subscribers: 29,500 (0.6%)
Residential telephone line subscriptions: 1,862,500 (95.4%)
Total no. of Internet dial-up subscriptions: 122,400 (2.7%)
Total no. of residential broadband subscriptions: 940,500 (82.5%)


No. of visitors: 9.7 million (2006)
No. of gazetted hotels: 226
No. of gazetted hotel rooms: 37,000
Average occupancy rate: 85%
Tourism Receipts: 12.4 billion (2006)
